Jesus Who Gave Us an Abundant Life
(John 6:3-13)

The world the Lord our God created was not short of anything. Due to the sins committed by Adam, however, the land was cursed and we humans came to live a life in need. As Jesus Christ died on the Cross and resurrected, those who believe in him have received an abundant life. Therefore, we can live in the fullness of God’s grace if we rely on the Cross of Jesus Christ and march forward in faith.

1. Seek God in times of trouble
1) When you are in times of trouble, do not lose your heart but seek help from the Lord our God (2 Ki. 4:1).
2) We can ask the Lord our God for anything in the name of Jesus Christ (Jn. 16:24).

2. God who fills us up abundantly
1) God fulfills the needs of those who seek Him abundantly (2 Ki. 4:2-7).
2) We can ask for the Lord’s help in faith while laying our eyes on the Lord, not on the circumstances facing us(Ps. 81:10).

3. According to your faith will it be done to you
1) When Jesus asked “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat”, Phillip answered that there would not be enough bread for each one to have a bite. (Jn. 6:5∼7).
2) Andrew, though he was worried that it would not be enough, brought five barley loaves and two fish and gave them to Jesus. Then, Jesus performed an abundant miracle that twelve baskets were left after five thousand people had enough food (Jn. 6:8∼9).

The Lord takes delight in giving us abundance. The Bible says, “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”(Isa. 55:1) This is surely the grace of the Lord. Jesus Christ gave us amazing grace through the Cross. He did take away sins, diseases, curses and death away from our lives and gave us forgiveness, resurrection, and eternal life ensuring that everything goes well with us. Therefore, I pray that all of you will live with the abundant grace of the Lord by looking at the Cross of Jesus Christ.