The Discipline Which the Lord Gives Us
(Heb. 12:1~13)

In a household, if children grow spiritually and physically by obeying the law of God and parents’ words, they will be compliment by God and their parents. If not, they will be disciplined. God disciplines His loving children and punishes everyone He accepts as a son. Just as a parent’s discipline is to benefit his child, God’s discipline is to benefit us. Therefore, we should not make light of the Lord’s discipline and not lose heart when we are rebuked by Him.

1. The discipline for children
1) When God who is our spiritual Father disciplines us, we must obey Him. (Heb. 12:9)
2) There are times when human parents discipline, following their human thoughts and feelings. But, discipline given to us by God is always for our good. (Heb. 12:10)
3) It can be painful and sorrowful when we are being disciplined. But, we can have a harvest of righteousness and peace and have more mature faith after we have gone through training through discipline. (Heb. 12:11)

2. The discipline and punishment
1) The purpose of discipline given by God is to make us repent and change so that we can live a life that is right for God’s children. Therefore, if we move forward with repentance when being disciplined, God heals and restores us. (Rev. 3:19)
2) The purpose of punishment is not for changes, but to be abandoned by judgment. (Acts 5:1~5)

3. Growth through discipline
1) There is no life without discipline. When God disciplines us, give thanks to Him. (Rom. 8:28)
2) Do not test God. We will be abandoned if we test God. (Heb. 11:29)
3) Discipline given by God to those He loves is to train them for growth. We need to be broken in order to grow mature as God’s children. (1 Peter 4:12~13)

The Lord disciplines those He loves. Therefore, we should not doubt about God’s love and lose heart when being disciplined. We must believe that God will work for the good in all things. As we live our lives, there are times when we pass through rough deserts. However, if we pass through the desert with faith and obedience, we can enter the promised land prepared by God.