For Tomorrow the Lord Will Do Amazing Things among You
(Jos. 3:5~13)

The Israelites who spent more than forty years in the desert after leaving Egypt finally had the promised land of Canaan in front of them. In order to enter the land, they had to cross the Jordan River, which was their last gateway. However, they faced a situation where they could not cross the river because it was at flood. God said, “Stand in the Jordan’s waters.” Obeying the word meant putting life at stake. When the Israelites obeyed the word with faith and stood in the Jordan’s waters, God stopped the flowing river.

1. Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on
1) God said to the priests to take up the ark of the covenant and cross the river. (Jos. 3:6)
2) The ark of the covenant symbolizes the presence of God. Taking up the ark of the covenant means to go with God. When we are with God, we can overcome hardships. (Jos. 1:5)
3) The ark of the covenant has the word of God. When we rely on the word of God, we can overcome various problems in life. (Ps. 119:50)

2. Go and stand in the Jordan’s waters
1) In order to experience the work of God, we must renew our thoughts. (Isa. 26:3)
2) In order to experience the work of God, we must have hopeful dreams. (Ps. 103:5)
3) In order to experience the work of God, we must challenge things with faith. (Matt. 17:20)
4) In order to experience the work of God, we must speak positively. (Phil. 4:13)

3. The Lord will do amazing things
1) When the priests stood in the Jordan’s waters by taking up the ark of the covenant, God made the water from upstream stop flowing. Thus, the Israelites walked on dry ground and entered the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey. (Jos. 3:14~17)
2) If we carry the cross of Jesus, we can cross every river of problems. This is because Jesus solved the problems of sins, transgressions, diseases, poverty, and death. (2 Cor. 4:10)

As we live our lives, we face various crises. However, we should not be discouraged or fall in despair. If we take steps of faith by looking at Almighty God, God will do amazing things. If God is with us, we can overcome all kinds of crises.