A Widow and a Judge
(Lk. 18:1~8)

As we live our lives in this world, we face various hardships. However, we should not be discouraged or fall in despair no matter what kind of hardships we face. If we go before God and ask for His help, He will hear His children’s prayers and answer them. Jesus told a parable that “we should always pray and not give up.”

1. An unjust judge and a helpless widow
1) A woman who lost her husband faced an unfair event. She had no one to help her. So she went to a judge to gain justice. The judge didn’t fear God or cared about men. He had no interest toward the plea of the widow who was helpless and poor. (Lk. 18:2~3)
2) When the woman kept coming to the unjust judge, he was so bothered that he decided to grant the woman justice. (Lk. 18:4~5)

2. Pray always and do not give up
1) We must commit all our problems to God and not be discouraged. (2 Sam. 22:1~3)
2) We should not give up in the middle of prayer and pray to the end. (2 Cor. 4:8)
3) We must pray by having dreams and hopes and by earnestly crying out. (Matt. 7:7~8)

3. God who hears our prayers
1) The unjust judge granted the request of the widow who had nothing to do with him. Will not God who is the righteous judge hear His loving children’s prayers who are his chosen ones? God gladly hears our prayers. (Lk. 18:6~8)
2) Therefore, we must have faith that God hears us when we pray. (Heb. 11:6)

What we must do when we face small and big problems in life is to believe in God and earnestly pray. God is the only one who can solve problems in life. Because our good Father God is always with us, we do not need to be afraid or be discouraged no matter what kind of difficulties we face. If we go before God and ask for things with faith, God will work big and amazing things.