Jesus and the Fourth-dimensional World
(Hebrews 11:3)

Nothing was in need in the third-dimensional world God created for the first time. As Adam and Eve who ruled that world committed sin, however, the ground is cursed and human beings are also on the threshold of collapse, death. After Adam, humans are living in the third-dimensional material world without knowing God.

1. The Reality of two worlds
1) The third-dimensional world is a material world where human senses such as eyes and ears tell us
that this world exist.
2) The fourth-dimensional world is a spiritual world, which is beyond human senses.
The spiritual fourth-dimension cannot be developed by the power of mankind. We can enter into the fourth-dimensional world of the Spirit only by believing in Jesus Christ.

2. An atheistic world and a theistic world
1) Those who do not believe in God are ruled by the third-dimensional material world (Psalm 14:1).
2) We live by the power of the Lord via thoughts, dreams, faith, and confession of our faith (Psalm 9:10).

3. The teachings of Jesus
1) Jesus said, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”
Therefore, we ought to make sure that our spirits are alive after believing in Jesus (Romans 8:5∼6).
2) Though we are facing difficult situations, we ought to guard our hearts to ensure that they are not falling apart (Proverbs 4:23).
3) We ought to take good care of our health God gave to us, fight against diseases and overcome them (Exodus 23:25).

4. The Suffering of Jesus’ atonement on the Cross
1) Jesus cleansed our sins by his death on the Cross (1 Peter 1:18∼19).
2) Whoever accepts Jesus’ atonement on the Cross in faith, one can lead a live in a holy, clean, healthy life
being freed from curses and disease while enjoying resurrection and eternal life.

5. The Power that God gives us
1) Though Jacob went through a great deal of difficulties, he was heavily blessed by applying the law of seeing in his life.
2) Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

Many people live relying on a material world that is seen and heard to us via our senses. If we believe in Jesus and are reborn in the Spirit, however, we come to realize that there is a spiritual world. Through the fourth-dimensional spirituality, we can lead our lives ensuring that we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our soul is getting along well.