There Is Still Hope
(Mark 10:46~52)

When people sink into the mire of despair, they say they are alive, but they are dead. The devil takes away hope from people and steals, kills, and destroys their lives. However, Jesus is the one who always gives us dreams and hopes. Even if we are in difficult and painful situations, we can stand up again by having dreams and hopes as long as we meet Jesus.

1. The life on the road
1) Bartimaeus who could not see lived by begging on the roadside every day. His life on the roadside was despair in itself. (Mark 10:46)
2) All human beings are sitting down on the road called despair. Because of Adam’s sin, they are in despair called sins, transgressions, diseases, poverty, and death. (Gen. 3:17)

2. There is still hope
1) Bartimaeus embraced a dream after hearing a rumor about Jesus through people who passed by. If we look to Jesus, we can dream hopes no matter what kind of situations we face. (Jer. 33:3)
2) People who have dreams do not give up and pray even when they face obstacles. (Mark 10:47~48)
3) When Jesus called, Bartimaeus threw his cloak aside and moved forward. (Mark 10:49~50)

3. Jesus is the only hope
1) If we meet Jesus, we can dream hopes again. This is because Jesus became the door of hope for us by dying on the cross. (John 10:9~10)
2) Only Jesus is our hope. If we look to the cross of Jesus, we can dream of the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing even if we are in difficult situations. (Mark 8:16~17)

Bartimaeus who was living his life with no dreams by sitting on the roadside was changed into a person who follows Jesus after meeting Him. Amazing changes in life take place to those who meet Jesus. If Jesus is with us, there is no such thing as the shadow of despair. Jesus is not a religion. He is the life and hope. Only Jesus is the light of hope for the whole world.