Hope in the Heart
(Jer. 33:3)

The world is going through economic difficulties. Rumors of war are in every corner of the world. In a world that is getting dark every day, hope is what we need. Even if we have enough food to eat tomorrow, we cannot expect tomorrow without having hopes and dreams in our hearts. Even if our reality may be dark, we can conquer darkness and make the world bright if there is hope.

1. Jesus the Light
1) In a world filled with darkness, there is no light that can control darkness. In turn, God sent Jesus as the light of the world. (John 1:4)
2) Jesus came to earth filled with sins and darkness and gave life to all those who believe in Him by dying on the cross and being resurrected. (Eph. 1:7)

2. The life that is full of hope
1) If we believe in Jesus, we get to live a life filled with hope as the children of God. (Col. 1:13~14)
2) We must completely fill our hearts with the fivefold gospel given by Jesus through the cross. (Mark 11:23)

3. The life that delivers hope
1) Today, many people are living a tiring and weary life. (Matt. 11:28)
2) We must preach Jesus to those who are living in the midst of darkness. (1 Peter 2:9)

Jesus allowed us to live as the children of light by delivering us from the authority of darkness. Therefore, we must live our lives by looking at Jesus and by having dreams and hopes no matter what kind of situations we face. If we have dreams and hopes, we can overcome all kinds of sufferings and hardships in life. We must preach Jesus to our neighbors in season and out of season. Preaching Jesus who is light is like lighting up the streetlights in a world filled with darkness. When we preach Jesus to those who are living a tiring and weary life in the midst of darkness, the world becomes brighter.