The Affliction Wakes a Sleeper up
(Ps. 119:71)

No one welcomes sufferings in this world. Since Adam committed sins, nobody can avoid the problem of sufferings. Sin is the fundamental cause behind sufferings that come in life. Adam and Eve fell for the temptation of the devil and rebelled against God’s command, “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” In turn, we are living a life filled with sufferings.

1. The cause of affliction
1) Satan tempts us with the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does. (1 John 2:16)
2) Since Adam, many people left God and are living their lives by claiming atheism and mammonism in the midst of sins. (John 8:34)

2. The new life
1) If we believe in Jesus, our dead spirits will come back to life, and God will be with us. (John 3:5~6)
2) Those who are born of the Spirit live by following the teachings of the Holy Spirit. (Col. 3:10)
3) Those who are born of the Spirit are changed into a holy and righteous life. (Rom. 8:1~2)

3. The advantage of affliction
1) The discipline of God through sufferings exists because God loves us. Therefore, if we realize our faults and repent when facing sufferings, it brings great benefits. (Prov. 22:15)
2) Those who are born of the Spirit are able to live a life that experiences endless changes and that grows in the midst of painful situations by the work and help of the Holy Spirit. (Titus 3:5)

As we live our lives filled with sins and unfaithfulness, there are many times when we do not listen to the word of God. When this happens, God tells us to come back to Him through sufferings. Those who believe in God must not be discouraged or fall in despair no matter what kind of sufferings they face in life. We must firmly believe in the love of God and move closer to God. Then, God will generously forgive us and fix all things that fall through in life.