The Parable of a Sower
(Mark 4:3~8)

During Jesus’ ministry on earth, He taught many things to His disciples and crowds that followed Him through parables. One day, when the crowd gathered while Jesus was teaching by the lake, Jesus taught something valuable through the law of nature that one can reap only after sowing seeds.

1. The law of sowing and reaping
1) If seeds are not sowed in fields, nothing will grow, and we cannot expect any harvest.
2) If we do not sow the seeds of the word in life, we cannot enjoy the joy of harvest.

2. Care for growth
1) If things are left alone after sowing seeds, we cannot expect abundant harvest. We are able to gain abundant harvest when we water seeds frequently, pull out weeds and diligently take care of them.
2) Likewise, after we have sowed the seeds called the word of God in our hearts, we must diligently take care of them through positive thoughts, dreams, faith and mouth confession.

3. Reaping and guarding
1) If things are left alone after seeds have grown and produced fruits, birds and animals will come and eat up the fruits that we have diligently taken care of. Therefore, we must guard fruits well after reaping them.
2) If we sow the word of God in our hearts and diligently take care of it through our thoughts, dreams, faith and mouth confession, we will bear abundant fruit. After fruits are produced, we must firmly guard our hearts and minds so that those fruits will not be taken away by the devil.