Go Around and Ask All Your Neighbors for Empty Jars
(2 Ki. 4:1~7)

As we live our lives, we face various difficulties. There are times when we face situations where we cannot solve things with our own strength. If we look into today’s Scripture, a woman came to Prophet Elisha. The woman’s husband was a man from the company of the prophets operated by Elisha. After her husband died, her two sons were about to be dragged as slaves because of debts. So she came to seek help.

1. The difficulties that come to life
1) When facing difficulties in life, there are those who throw themselves away to despair, and there are those who look for their path to live. The woman came to Elisha in order to seek help from God.
2) When we face various problems in life, God is the one who will solve our problems.

2. God who solves problems
1) When Elisha asked, “What do you have in your house?” the woman replied that she only has a little oil. Then, Elisha tells the woman to ask her neighbors for empty jars, and don’t ask for just a few.
2) After listening to Elisha, the woman dreamed a dream that her problems will be solved. Even if our circumstances may be difficult and tiring, we must look to God and have dreams because God is with us. We must have a vessel called a dream so that God will fill it.
3) Even if things that we have are small, amazing miracles will take place if God blesses them.

3. God who fills them up abundantly
1) God filled empty jars with oil abundantly to the point where the woman was able to pay off all of debts and had leftover. This shows how abundant God’s grace is.
2) God gives grace to His children who He loves to the point where the grace is filled to the point where it overflows. Therefore, we must firmly believe in our good God and pray by going before Him.

When facing difficulties in life, do not fall in despair and pray to God. If we give ourselves away to despair and do not do anything, we cannot experience the miracles of God who fills things abundantly. Even today, God grants amazing miracles to those who dream dreams and come forward with faith.