Jesus the Good Shepherd
(John 10:10)

1. A life of scarcity
1) Every life has scarcity. Even though every person has different wants and needs, no one lives by not having scarcity. All people are living their lives by carrying laborious and heavy burdens of life.
2) The world that God created did not lack anything. Everything that God created looked good. So there was no scarcity.

2. The devil who steals and destroys
1) Our world is filled with wicked things. This is because the devil tempted Adam and Eve and made them to commit sins. The world was in good order when they were serving God who has absolute sovereignty. When people committed sins and left God, the world got filled with greed. Strong ones oppressed weak ones, and the world became disorderly where there is no end in hatred and fighting.
2) Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” The devil that steals and kills and destroys takes away the things given by God. If people are controlled by the devil, they will live in the midst of sins and filthiness and eternally be perished while living a painful life with diseases and poverty.

3. Jesus who gives us life
1) Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus likened us to sheep. Sheep cannot live without a shepherd. Because those who have not met Jesus are like sheep without a shepherd, they have no true righteousness, peace, happiness and joy in life.
2) Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Jesus saved us by having His flesh being torn apart and shedding blood on the cross. In the same way shepherds feed grass to sheep, Jesus gives us a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.

Because Jesus is our shepherd, we must always have positive faith. As long as we come under the cross even if we face failure, despair and sufferings, we can gain life and abundant grass through Jesus. If we look to the cross of the Lord, have positive thoughts and dreams and make declarations with faith, the Lord who is the good shepherd will take care of and guide us.