Children Who Serve God
(Ps. 67:1-7)

The new year 2019 has dawned. As we start the first week of the year, we must deeply think about how we will live this year that was given to us from God as a gift. The most important attitude of life to have as the children of God is to live by loving and serving God.

1. God, the source of blessing
1) The psalmist confessed, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us. God will bless us.”
2) God who created all things in the universe can give us blessings.

2. Jesus who saved us
1) The greatest blessing given to humanity by God is Jesus Christ. If people believe in Jesus and accept Him as the Savior, they can receive forgiveness of sins and become the children of God.
2) Because we believed in Jesus and became the children of God, we have already received blessings.

3. A life that loves and serves God
1) A life that serves God is “a life that obeys the word of God.” Just as it is beneficial for children to obey the words of their parents, we who are the children of God can receive God’s blessings in life when we obey the word of God.
2) A life that serves God is “a life that prays.” If we pray for God’s kingdom and will, God accomplishes His will on this land. In addition, God guides our life and fulfills every need.
3) A life that serves God is “a life that gives tithes with joy by volunteering.” A tithe is to recognize God as the owner of our life. If we give tithes by giving thanks to God, He will fill our life with blessings.
4) A life that serves God is “a life that gives thanks and praise.” Those who give thanks glorify God. If we go before God with thanksgiving and praise, God will receive glory and lend us the hand of salvation.

God has given us great blessings through the redemptive grace of Jesus’ cross. He has made us as His children and has given us the grace of the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing. We who have received these amazing blessings must live by only loving and serving God with our whole heart.