God Who Fills Us Up
(2Ki. 4:1~7)

As we live our lives, there are times when we suddenly face sufferings. At that time, there are those who fall in despair and give up on everything by being discouraged. Then, there are those who go around and look for people who can help them. As God’s children, we must not rely on people and ask for God’s help. If we go before God and pray, He fills our needs.

1. Pray to God
1) When we face hardships, we must go before God and pray. God knows all our needs and weaknesses. We can go before God anytime, ask for our needs and let Him know our heart.
2) If we pray, God opens the path. God makes rivers in deserts where there are no water and makes paths in deserts where there are no paths.

2. Obey in faith
1) When we obey the word of God with faith, God answers our prayers.
2) If we obey in faith and command in the name of Jesus, miracles happen even today.

3. God who fills us up
1) If we pray with faith, our good God fills all our needs of life.
2) We live by worrying about “what do eat, and what to drink.” However, our Father God knows what His children need.

Every life on this land lacks something. If we do not meet Jesus, we live a life that is not filled no matter how hard we work and make efforts. The answers to all problems faced in life are in the cross of Jesus. If we believe in Jesus and invite Him as the Savior, our empty hearts will be filled, and our life will be filled with the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing given by Jesus. As we live another year, let us not fall in despair no matter what kind of hardships we face. If we believe in our good God and move forward by praying, God becomes our power and solves all our problems.