Those Who Are with Us Are More than Those Who Are with Them
(2 Ki. 6:14~23)

There are numerous enemies in our life. Big and small difficulties endlessly come, and there are many times when we are surrounded by worries, anxiety and fear due to these difficulties. Then, what do we need to do in order to not be entangled in various problems and live a victorious life?

1. The enemies surrounding us
1) The servant of Elisha looked at a force and horses and chariots sent by the king of Aram surrounding the city and ran to Elisha and shouted, “Oh, my lord, what shall we do?” Because he only looked at the reality that is visible, he was in fear.
2) The devil brings various problems in our life and shoots the arrows of worries, anxiety and fear. If we do not drive out the devil by standing against its attacks, our life becomes devastated.

2. God who is with us
1) Elisha said, “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” He was bold because he looked at spiritual things.
2) In the same way the army of God surrounded Elisha, the grace of Jesus’ cross is surrounding us today. Therefore, we do not need to be afraid no matter what kind of situations we face. Let us look to God who is with us and boldly move forward.

3. Open his eyes so he may see
1) We must know that God who extremely loves us is always with us.
2) If we rely on the word of God and move forward with prayer, God works.

The servant of Elisha was in fear because he only looked at the situations he was facing. However, Elisha conquered fear and was able to be bold because he looked at God who is with him with spiritual eyes. If we move forward by looking at God who is with us no matter what kind of situations we face, God works and will grant us amazing victory.