Thanksgiving to Honor God
(Ps. 50:23)

As we live our lives, we face various hardships. Those who look to circumstances live an unfortunate life by grumbling against others or complain about their situations. However, those who believe in God live a life that gives thanks to and praise God no matter what kind of situations they face.

1. God who is good
1) God is a good God. God did not just love us with words. By giving His one and only Son, He made those who believe in Him to not perish and have eternal life.
2) If we deeply know about how good God is and how much He loves us, we can live a life of thanksgiving even if we face difficulties in life.

2. Thanksgiving is a matter of faith
1) Thanksgiving is a matter of faith. We must believe in God to live a life of thanksgiving.
2) If we have no faith, our hearts will be filled with anxiety and worries, and we cannot live a life of thanksgiving.

3. The life expressing thanksgiving
1) We must not forget grace that we have received from God and live a life that gives thanks for all things.
2) Complaining is easy. However, giving thanks is not done automatically. A life that gives thanks needs training.

4. The benefit of thanksgiving
1) There are many benefits to a life of thanksgiving. If we give thanks to and praise God when passing through the night of life, God will be pleased and loosen things that bind our life.
2) If we give more thanks, good things happen more. If we sow the seeds called thanksgiving, God will allow fruits to bear, and things of thanksgiving will overflow in our life.

We who have received God’s boundless grace must live a life that gives thanks in all circumstances. Indeed, it is not easy to give thanks in the midst of sufferings. However, if we believe that our good God will work for the good in all things and move forward with thanksgiving and prayer, God will work for us.