The Positive Life
(1 Peter 2:9~10)

When we encounter an obstacle while walking the path called life, there are those who call that obstacle a stumbling block. Then, there are those who call that obstacle a stepping stone. Even though it is the same obstacle, some people trip over that, and some people use that obstacle as a stepping stone to proceed further. Therefore, what kind of attitude we have in life is important. God wants us to live a positive life.

1. Take a new self-portrait
1) In order to live a positive life, we must believe in Jesus and have a new self-portrait.
2) God had chosen us and allowed us to be a royal priesthood, a holy nation and His people. Now, we must have a new self-portrait and respect ourselves.

2. Have a dream in your heart
1) We must have dreams in our hearts to live a positive life. When the Holy Spirit is in us, He gives us dreams and hopes. The Holy Spirit works through those with dreams.
2) By planting negative thoughts, the devil always tries to steal and kill and destroy our life. Therefore, when we stand against the devil with prayer, we are able to live a positive life.

3. Pray with faith
1) God plants positive thoughts and hopes. When we go close to God, we can live a positive life. We go before God through prayer.
2) Through prayer, we can have conversations with God and wash away wastes made by the devil. We must wash away the spiritual waste of sins, the waste of a heart of grumbling or hatred, the physical waste of diseases and the waste of circumstances of curses.

Those who believe in God and love Him live a positive life no matter what kind of situations they face. If we believe in the love of God and move forward with prayer by having dreams in our hearts, God guides our life. As we live our lives, we must live with God through prayer. If we live with God, we will not fall when encountered with obstacles of life, and we can be more than conquerors.