Leave It up to God
(Jer. 33:1~3)

When Jerusalem was besieged due to the invasion of Babylon during the time of Zedekiah king of Judah, Jeremiah the prophet was confined in the courtyard of the guard in the royal palace of Judah. Frustration and irritation of Jeremiah who was confined could not be expressed in words. At that time, the word of God came to him. God said, “He who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it?the Lord is his name.”

1. God who made the earth and established it
1) God told Jeremiah that “God is the one who works.” God finished the ministries of creation and redemption by Himself without help from man.
2) What we have to do is to love God and serve Him. We must commit our burdens of life to the Lord and live by having peace in our heart. The way to commit our burden to the Lord is prayer.

2. Call to me
1) What God wanted from Jeremiah is prayer. When we encounter small and big problems of life, we first need to go before God and cry out to Him. We should not go around, seeking the ways of man. We must seek God’s help.
2) God said, “Call to me.” Calling God is to pray fervently. There are many stories in the Bible where people received answers to their prayers by crying out.

3. I will show you great and unsearchable things
1) When we pray by crying out, God will do great and unsearchable things we do not know. Although we may not know how problems will be solved, God knows it.
2) If we believe in God and move forward with prayer, God will guide us to the path that He has prepared.

Because God loves us, we can commit all things to Him. Every time we go through difficulties, we must hold onto the word, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jer. 33:3) and pray by crying out. Then, God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were will grant miracles.