How Should We Pray?
(Ps. 103:1~5)

Life without prayer is like a tree with weak roots. If roots are weak, trees will fall when fierce winds blow. Likewise, life without prayer cannot withstand the wind of sufferings. We must have our root of faith to deeply take root through the experience of asking God with prayers and receiving answers.

1. Give praise to God
1) When we begin to pray, we must give thanks to God and praise Him. When we begin to pray with thanksgiving and praise, God will receive glory and lend us the hand of salvation.
2) When we start to pray with thanksgiving and praise, evil power that hinders prayer will leave.

2. Repent of sins
1) Sin is the wall that stands between God and us. If there is the wall of sin between God and us, our prayers cannot be answered. Therefore, we must thoroughly repent of our sins.
2) Those who have repented of their sins will not be accused by the devil and can boldly stand before God. We can boldly go before the throne of God by relying on the precious blood of Jesus.

3. Ask for needs
1) Ask by having a fervent hope in your heart. God works when we pray.
2) Until peace and joy come into our heart, pray without being discouraged or giving up. When God’s answer comes, anxiety, fear and nervousness will disappear, and peace and joy will overflow.

4. Thank God
1) Ending a prayer with thanksgiving is to believe that your prayer is answered and to confess it with your mouth.
2) When facing problems, do not be discouraged and think that this is an opportunity to experience God’s answer. When we experience the works of God by praying in all things, our faith grows.

Prayer is the weapon that destroys the camp of the devil and is the key that opens the treasure house of God. No matter what kind of situations we face, we must not give up and believe in God and fervently pray. Then, the glory of God will be revealed in our life, and we will be able to live a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.