Guard Your Heart
(Prov. 4:23)

As we live our lives, there are countless things to guard. We need to guard our health to not get sick and guard our wealth to not face economic difficulties. In a rough world like now, we also need to make efforts to guard our children. Likewise, there are numerous things to guard in our life. The Bible says, “Above all else, guard your heart.”

1. Who controls our hearts?
1) God created man’s heart and wanted to be in their hearts.
2) Because Adam and Even rebelled against God and fell for the temptation of Satan, the evil devil occupied man’s heart. Since then, evil spirits occupy man’s heart and lead them to a world that rebels against God.

2. The Holy Spirit in us
1) Jesus took away all our sins by dying on the cross. When people believe in Jesus and accept Him as the Savior, evil spirits that were in their hearts leave.
2) The Bible says, “Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’” (Gal. 4:6) Our hearts are now a temple that the Holy Spirit lives in. Therefore, we must guard and control our hearts well.

3. How to guard our hearts
1) We must guard our hearts with the word of God. If we completely fill our hearts with the word, we will not give the world and the devil a foothold and live a clean life.
2) We can guard our hearts through dreams. Where can we go to have dreams? We are able to have dreams when we look to the cross of Jesus.
3) We can guard our hearts with faith. If we rely on our senses or look to circumstances, our hearts are shaken continuously. So we are not able to have a heart that is consistent.
4) We can guard our hearts through mouth confessions. When we confess the word of God and make positive, active and creative confessions, miracles take place.

The root of creation lies in our hearts. Those that guard their hearts well are also able to control their circumstances of life. We must guard our hearts well through the word of God, dreams, faith and mouth confessions. Then, we are able to live a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.