Look up to Heaven
(Matt. 11:28~30)

There is no one without problems living under the sun. Since Adam was banished from the Garden of Eden because he committed sin, all people are born with problems. They struggle with problems throughout their life and ultimately face death. There are those where their faith grows and their lives improve by solving their problems well. Then, there are those whose lives collapse without overcoming problems. When facing crises of life, it is important how we deal with them. Then, how should those who believe in Jesus cope with problems?

1. Abandon resentments and complaints
1) The attitude in which we show when dealing with problems is the important key that determines our future.
2) Those who believe in God should not grumble against others or blame circumstances. We must positively accept problems and have an active attitude that tries to solve problems by making utmost efforts.

2. Look up to God
1) When people encounter problems, they try to solve them in ways of man. However, those who believe in Jesus must first look to God and then look to problems.
2) When we look to God, we are able to conquer all problems of the world by the help of the power of God. There are no solutions to man. But, God has solutions.

3. God who takes care of us
1) God is deeply interested in problems of life. When we walk the desert called life, God feeds us, clothe us and takes care of us.
2) When burdens of life accumulate, our life will not able to bear its weight and collapse. Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) Therefore, we must commit every burden to Jesus.

As we live our lives, there are times when we face problems that we cannot solve on our own. During those times, we look to the ground, and we are discouraged and fall in despair. However, when we lift up our eyes and look up to heaven, God helps us to solve problems by giving us wisdom, intelligence and power. If we believe in God, look to Him and rely on Him, we can conquer all kinds of problems.