The Heart Having Peace
(John 14:27)

If you look in Judges, God appointed Gideon as a judge when Israel was invaded by Midian. When Gideon recruited those who fill fight among the Israelites, 32,000 people were gathered. God said, “Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back.” Those whose hearts are filled with fear cannot win in any fights.

1. The fear that the devil gives us
1) Fear and anxiety are among the scariest emotions that destroy man’s life. If fear and anxiety occupy our hearts for a long time, our life is destroyed and becomes devastated.
2) Fear came into human beings’ hearts due to Adam’s sin. The devil tries to steal and kill and destroy life by putting fear into the hearts of human beings.

2. The peace that Jesus gives us
1) In order to resist the devil and to have peace, we must first be in harmony with God. When we receive forgiveness of sins by believing in Jesus and are in harmony with God, we can have peace in our hearts.
2) When we become God’s children by believing in Jesus, God becomes our refuge that we can be peaceful no matter what kind of circumstances we are in. We must not have peace given to us by Jesus taken away by the devil. When fear comes, we must resist the devil and drive out demons.

3. A life full of dreams and hopes
1) Jesus has given us peace that the world cannot give by dying on the cross and being resurrected. Therefore, we must get rid of negative thoughts and live by having dreams and hopes.
2) In order to live a life filled with dreams and hopes, we must rely on the redemptive grace of the cross. When we think of, dream of, believe in and declare with our mouths the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing given to us by Jesus through the cross, God will give us a bright tomorrow.

When fear occupies our hearts, our life is destroyed and becomes devastated. We must resist the devil that brings fear in the name of Jesus and drive out demons. We must live by looking to the cross of Jesus, dreaming of the fivefold gospel and threefold blessing and enjoying peace given by the Lord.