The Visible World and the Invisible World
(Eph. 2:1~5)

In the world that God created, there is the visible world as well as the invisible world. When it comes to the sky, there is the visible sky and the invisible sky. The third sky that the Bible talks about is invisible. As the spiritual world, this is the paradise where Apostle Paul said that he has heard things that he could not describe in words upon returning. There is also the visible sky. The expanse that God created is the visible sky.

1. The ruler of the kingdom of the air
1) The Bible says that there is the ruler of the kingdom of the air. The devil is the one that holds authority of the air. Although invisible, the devil is the power from behind that makes tragedies of this world.
2) The devil comes to steal and kill and destroy. We must clearly know that the devil that is invisible is working in the visible world and stand against him.

2. What the devil does behind the scenes
1) When the devil works behind the scenes, he brings sins, diseases, curses and death into man’s life.
2) Jesus came to give us life and have it to the full.

3. How to fight against the devil
1) Jesus defeated the temptation of the devil with the word of God. We must defeat the devil that brings sins, diseases, curses and death with the word of God. When we fight against the devil with the word of God, all diseases will leave, and we will be healthy spiritually and physically.
2) In addition, we can defeat the devil with prayer and with the help of the Holy Spirit. When we go to God by praying, the Holy Spirit becomes our power from behind that helps us.

Although invisible, the devil is the power from behind that makes tragedies of this world. We must distinguish the works that belong to the devil and stand against the devil. If we fight against the devil with the word of God and prayer and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will live a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.