Jesus Who Is Not Pleased with Our Hunger
(John 6:5)

The world where we live in is like the desert. Deserts lack everything including things to eat and things to wear. Who can help us in this kind of desert? The Bible says that Jesus is the one who takes care of us and feeds us. When Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee, many people followed Him. When Jesus saw that those who were following Him didn’t eat anything and were hungry, He asked Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” The Bible says that Jesus said this to test Philip. Then, what did Jesus test?

1. What do you look at?
1) Jesus tested Philip on “what he is looking at.” Philip only looked at the things that he can’t do, the things that he lacked and the things that cannot be done.
2) When Andrew was in the same desert, he looked at Jesus who was in the desert. He thought about what the will of Jesus is. He looked at the authority of Jesus and looked at the fact that Jesus is the owner of time. As a result, he was able to have a positive heart.

2. Do you have dreams and faith?
1) A dream is a vessel that holds the power of God. God’s power is not revealed to those without dreams. We must have dreams in our hearts so that faith is revealed in reality.
2) Andrew dreamed a dream that an amazing thing will happen through Jesus. When we look to Jesus, we can have dreams. Jesus works through those who dream dreams.

3. God who fills us up abundantly
1) Philip said that eight months’ wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite. However, Jesus fed all people to the point where they were satisfied, and twelve baskets were left.
2) God who we believe in fills us abundantly. When we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, God fills all our needs of life abundantly.

Even though a life may be like the desert, we will not lack anything when Jesus is with us. This is because Jesus gives us an abundant table for us even if we are in the desert. Therefore, no matter what kind of circumstances we face, we should not fall in despair. We must look to “God who performs miracles, who is not pleased with our hunger and who fills us abundantly with good things” and move forward with dreams and faith. Then, God will give us a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.