Freedom from the Prison
(Acts 16:16~26)

If we look at the circumstances that surround us, there are the third dimensional circumstance and the fourth dimensional circumstance. The third dimensional circumstance can be experienced with senses, and the fourth dimensional circumstance is experienced with soul. Even though numerous people are not locked in prison, they are locked in the spiritual prison and are facing sufferings by being bound by sins, filthiness, diseases, poverty and death. Those who believe in Jesus encounter various sufferings as they live their lives. Then, how should we cope with sufferings?

1. Return and repent
1) When facing sufferings, we must look back on our life, turn back from the wrong path and repent.
2) What we must remember in the midst of sufferings is that God is always with us. God takes pity on those who repent and delivers them from every pain and sorrow.

2. Give thanksgiving and praise to the Lord
1) Families and societies begin to be destroyed from small grumbling and complaints that are common.
2) Thanksgiving and praise are the weapons that collapse the camp of the devil. When we give thanks to and praise God, He loosens all things that are chained and gives us freedom and liberation.

3. Pray ardently
1) When our hearts are in sorrow and pain that cannot be described in words because we are going through great sufferings, what we must do is to pray. God wants to deliver us from pain.
2) The night is dark to prepare for the morning. Severe sufferings are the evidence that the help of God is near. Therefore, when we face the night of sufferings, we must pray more.

4. Have faith
1) The Bible says, “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4) When the devil tries to put doubt, fear and worries into our hearts, we must move forward by standing against the devil with faith.
2) When we rely on the word of God and the Holy Spirit, faith comes. We must stay close to the word of God and pray to the Holy Spirit, asking for faith in our hearts that come from the word.

When we encounter the night of life, we must not be discouraged or fall in despair. Instead, we must repent, give thanks, pray and have faith. Then, God will work and loosen us from the shackles of sins, diseases, poverty, despair and death and give us true freedom and liberation.