New Creation
(Gen. 1:1~31)

Genesis 1:2 says, “Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” The Holy Spirit was with God when God created the heavens and the earth and all things. Even today, the Holy Spirit brings changes and new creation by working in our life.

1. The Holy Spirit making a new creation
1) God created man in His image and made them to govern this world. However, human beings’ spirits died and became the third dimensional beings by rebelling against God.
2) The Holy Spirit newly creates our life. If the Holy Spirit hovers when life is formless and empty and is filled with darkness, new works of creation in life take place.

2. The Holy Spirit working through dreams
1) Because the Holy Spirit works through dreams and visions, we must have dreams to have changes and creations take place in our life. We must pray by having clear dreams in our hearts.
2) Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” When we fervently pray, God gives dreams in our hearts and works through those dreams.

3. Dream of the Five-Fold Gospel and the Three-Fold Blessing
1) God has given us the dreams of the five-fold gospel and three-fold blessing through the cross of Jesus. When we believe in Jesus and rely on the cross, we can newly draw the ruined picture of life.
2) God’s drawing skill goes beyond our imagination. If God draws with the brush of grace even if the devil smears our life, our life is newly created as a beautiful picture.

When we commit our life to God, He makes the stained and ruined picture of life in a new way. We must not be discouraged no matter what kind of situations we face and commit the picture of life that we were drawing on our own into the hand of God. If we move forward with dreams and by praying even if our life is formless and empty and darkness is over the surface of the deep, the Holy Spirit will hover and bring new creations into our life.