The Message of Jesus
(Lk. 4:18~19)

When Jesus went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue to teach, he talked about “His mission.” The Spirit of the Lord came to Jesus to give freedom and liberation. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of freedom and liberation. When in the church where the Holy Spirit is, Christians gain freedom and liberation by escaping from the devil’s oppression while worshipping.

1. To preach good news to the poor
1) Poor people are those whose souls are dead due to sin, those with no hope, joy and peace in their hearts, those who face sufferings because of diseases and those that are naked and hungry with no meals.
2) The Bible says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.” (2 Cor. 8:9) Therefore, Jesus took away our poverty.

2. To proclaim freedom for the prisoners
1) Before believing in Jesus, our hearts are bound by hatred, anger and resentment and our bodies are bound by curses, poverty and diseases. We live as slaves of the devil where our entire life is bound by the devil.
2) However, when we believe in Jesus and are in Him, the oppression of the devil leave in the blink of an eye, and we gain freedom and liberation by escaping from sin and death and live as God’s children.

3. To recover sight for the blind
1) Those who do not believe in Jesus do not know about the spiritual world. Because their spirits died due to sin, they will not be able to know about the spiritual world no matter how many times it is explained until their spirits come back to life.
2) When we believe in Jesus, God opens our spiritual eyes, and we get to see the spiritual world. We also know about the protection of God. Thus, we can be peaceful no matter what kind of situations we face.

4. To give freedom and liberation to the oppressed
1) The devil comes to steal and kill and destroy. If we are oppressed by the devil, our bodies and hearts get sick. Diseases caused by the oppression of the devil cannot be healed with medicine.
2) Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” We must stand against the devil in the name of Jesus.

Salvation is gained with the grace of God by believing only in the precious blood of Jesus. Because Jesus died on the cross on behalf of us, those who go to Jesus will gain forgiveness and righteousness by being freed from sins, gain healing and health by being freed from diseases, gain the blessings of Abraham and prosperity by being freed from curses and gain resurrection and eternal life by being freed from death.