The Four Lepers and the Aramean Army
(2Ki. 7:3~8)

God is always with people of faith. Living by faith means to live by having God as the eternal source and resource of life. We can have hope in the midst of despair because Jesus is with us. We cannot but fall in despair when there is no Jesus. However, if Jesus is with us, we can always have hope.

1. The city full of despair
1) When the city of Samaria was besieged, hunger of the people in the city reached its height, and despair was filled in their hearts. Despite the fact that God delivered a message of hope through Elisha, an officer who worked for the king said that such an event can never happen.
2) Faith is to firmly believe in “God who makes things that are not as though they were and gives life to the dead”, going beyond reason and senses. Determination is needed in faith. We must make an important decision on whether or not we will follow man’s reason or the word of God.

2. The people who chose hope
1) Four men with leprosy who were living outside of the gate of the city chose hope by preparing death. They decided to go to the place where there is hope even though it was a thin ray of hope. So God was determined to save Israel through them.
2) When the four men moved toward the enemy camp, they didn’t march by themselves. When they moved by having thoughts, dreams, faith and creative words, God was with them.

3. March with the Holy Spirit
1) What do we need to do in order to march with the Holy Spirit in our life? We can walk with the Holy Spirit through thoughts, dreams, faith and creative words of the fourth dimension.
2) The scariest enemy is in us. Despair in our hearts is scarier than the enemy that threatens from outside. Therefore, we must not lose dreams and faith no matter what kind situations we face.

Miracles come to those who march towards hope with dreams. Although the third dimensional reality of the four men with leprosy was poor, they marched with God through their thoughts, dreams, faith and creative words of the fourth dimension. So the fourth dimensional army of God went with them, and they gained amazing victory in the fight against their enemies. Because God who is the same yesterday, today and forever is with us, we must get up from the seat of despair and march by having faith with God.