Peace of Mind
(Isa. 41:10)

When Jesus and His disciples were on a boat and crossing the Sea of Galilee, a big storm came that the boat was on the brink of sinking. As we live our lives, we also face various storms of life. At that time, what do we need to do in order to overcome those storms and safely arrive at our destination?

1. Rely on the Word
1) The disciples were in fear even though Jesus was with them because they didn’t rely on the word of Jesus. We cannot calm the storms of life with man’s strength.
2) When we face the storm of sufferings, we must look to Jesus and rely on His word.

2. Go with faith
1) When we encounter storms, we should not rely on man’s senses or experiences or knowledge. Even though there are things that are invisible and untouchable, we must look to the Lord and move forward with faith.
2) Our Almighty God is with us and performs big and amazing things for us. Therefore, those who believe in God can have hope even though they are in a desperate situation.

3. Pray and be thankful
1) By having dreams and faith, we must cry out to God and pray until peace comes into our hearts. Then, God will rebuke the storms and calm them and give us peace in our hearts.
2) When we encounter storms, we must put down every grumbling and complaint and give thanks to God and praise Him.
3) We must look to the cross of the Lord, hold onto the word of God and make active confessions of faith.

Life passes through swamps or climbs cliffs or goes through thorny paths. When this happens, we must not look to our circumstances and be afraid and fall in despair. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (Jn. 14:27) If we look to the Lord, pray with faith and move forward with thanksgiving when fierce storms come in our life, the Lord will calm every storm and give us true peace in our hearts.