Energy Produces Liveliness
(Ps. 121:1~8)

Today, countless people live a tiring and weary life by carrying laborious and heavy burdens of life. Because God created human beings with spirit, soul and body, we must be filled with energy of spirit, soul and body in order to live a healthy and lively life.

1. Physical energy
1) In order to live a lively life, our bodies need to be healthy first. To adequately gain energy of the body, we must eat foods with various nutrients every day and exercise.
2) Jesus said to His disciples that returned from a mission trip, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” To maintain health, a proper rest is required.

2. Mental energy
1) In order to live a lively life, we not only need energy of the body, but also need energy of the heart. If our hearts are filled with worries, resentment and anger, we will lose vitality and will live a devastated life.
2) Energy of our hearts comes from God. When we live by loving and serving God, joy and pleasure will be filled in our hearts, and we will live a life overflowing with vitality.

3. Spiritual energy
1) In order to live a lively life, spiritual energy is required. If we are living a listless life of faith without vitality even after believing in Jesus, this is because we lack spiritual energy.
2) To gain spiritual energy, we must eat the word of God, which is the spiritual food. Read the word of God every day and meditate on it day and night. Then, spiritual energy will be filled.
3) In addition, we must go before God and pray to gain spiritual energy. When we pray, the Holy Spirit works and our spirits gain vitality and we are able to live a victorious life of faith.

Even if our life is tiring and difficult, we must not be discouraged or fall in despair. God who created all things in the heavens and the earth helps us and keeps us as the apple of His eye. By reading the word of God and meditating on it and praying every day, we must gain new strength of our spirits, souls and bodies and make them healthy.