A Person Who Had His Foundation on the Rock
(Mt. 7:24~25)

Genesis shows that this earth and the universe changed into good places in God’s eyes because the Spirit of God hovered over the earth when it was formless and empty and darkness was over the surface of the deep. The Holy Spirit must hover over our circumstances of life so that changes and creation take place. The Holy Spirit is the essence of the fourth dimensional spirituality and the basis of creation. Therefore, even if our life is formless and empty and is filled with darkness, the works of new creation take place if the Holy Spirit hovers over it.

1. The Holy Spirit who works through dreams
1) In order for the Holy Spirit to work, we must have dreams in our hearts. We are able to dream of the fivefold gospel through the cross of Jesus. As the fourth dimensional beings, we who were born of the Holy Spirit by believing in Jesus are able to experience the miracles of God by having dreams and praying.
2) If we have dreams and hopes in our hearts, we must pray. To continuously achieve growth and development in life, we must fervently pray by having holy hopes before God.

2. The Holy Spirit who works through faith
1) When we pray by having dreams in our hearts, faith comes. Faith is to embrace the invisible future as the present. If we use faith, our life will experience miracles that go beyond our expectation. If we move forward with faith, the Holy Spirit works to make things come to pass according to our faith.
2) Faith that has taken root in the word does not collapse even if storms come. When we listen to the word of God and act, our faith becomes strong. The Holy Spirit looks at our faith and works.

3. The Holy Spirit who works through the words of our lips
1) God created the heavens and the earth and all things with His word. Because we were created in God’s image and likeness, the words of our lips have the power of creation.
2) Because the Holy Spirit works through the words of our lips, we are able to change our circumstances with the words of our lips. When the Holy Spirit works, a defeated life changes into a victorious life.

Even if our life is formless and empty and darkness is over the surface of the deep, we should not be discouraged or step back. Invite the Holy Spirit, draw good things on a drawing board called heart and pray by concentrating on those things. Then, the Holy Spirit will work, and changes and creation will take place in our life.