Love Is a State of Mind
(Jn. 13:1)

We use the word, love, frequently. We use this word among families and friends, and we say that we love nature and animals and plants. When it comes to this love, there are outer love and inner love. The outer love is love that deceives to achieve purposes, and the inner love is honest and sacrificial.

1. The love of outer person and the love of inner person
1) As self-centered love, the love of outer person is not true love and imitates love. This love disappears when sufferings or disadvantages come even when it has shouted for love.
2) Among love of man, parents’ love is the most true and honest love. Parents give everything for their children and even sacrifice their life for them. This kind of love is true love.

2. Jesus who loved us to the end
1) There is much pain that cannot be understood in life. The Bible says, “Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.” (Jb. 5:7) If we know about the love of God towards us, we can be more than conquerors when it comes to every suffering.
2) Jesus loved His disciples where He loved them to the end before the death on the cross. Nothing and no one in this world can separate us from the love of God.

3. Love that overcomes suffering
1) The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (Jn. 3:16) God has proven His love towards us by giving His Son, Jesus, as the atoning sacrifice.
2) If we know about the love of God and believe in it, our hearts become bold, and we value ourselves and pray by having dreams and hopes in our hearts. Believe in the love and power of God and commit all problems to Him. Then, God will open a path.

The love of God is endless love that leads to eternity. God loves us and takes care of us in all situations. Therefore, do not be discouraged and boldly move forward by believing in God. Then, you will live a life where you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.