Jesus Who Gives Us Hope
(Ps. 28:6~9)

Today, the entire world is surrounded by hopeless and gloomy atmosphere. No matter how hopeless our circumstances may be, the people who believe in God must not lose hope. Even if our current situation is painful, we can enjoy joy and happiness regardless of our current pain if we don’t lose hope.

1. A life full of despair
1) Today, the life of human beings is filled with despair because Adam and Eve disobeyed God and fell after committing sin. True hope can’t exist in life that has left God.
2) If we lose hope, we will be discouraged and we will fall in despair when facing difficulties in life. However, if we have hope in our hearts, we can overcome every hardship and live a creative life.

2. Jesus who gives us hope
1) If we look to people and circumstances, we are bound to fall in despair. However, if we look to God who is our strength, our shield and our shepherd and rely on Him, we can have hope no matter what kind of situations we encounter.
2) Jesus has given us peace through the cross. If we look to the cross, we can enjoy the forgiveness of sins, holiness, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, healing, health, the blessings of Abraham, prosperity, resurrection, eternal life and heaven.

3. The Holy Spirit who is with us
1) We can have hope because the Holy Spirit is with us and He helps us. If we are filled with the Holy Spirit, peace will overflow in our hearts, and we will be more than conquerors when it comes to every hardship.
2) In addition, we can have hope because we have the promises of resurrection, eternal life and heaven. We live on this land momentarily. Heaven, the place where we will live eternally, is waiting for us.

Because God is our Father, Jesus is our Savior and the Holy Spirit is our Counselor, we must move forward by having hope. If we believe in the love of God and go forth by relying on the redemptive grace of the cross of Jesus, miracles come even in situations of absolute despair.