Stand Firm on the Word
(Lk. 8:22~25)

All people encounter big and small storms as they live their lives. Those who are healthy can come down with diseases. Businesses that have been proceeding smoothly can go bankrupt overnight. The shadow of misfortune can cover happy households. However, if we look to our almighty Lord and rely on His word even if fierce storms come in life, the Lord will command and calm every storm in our life.

1. Be close to the Lord
1) If worldly interests are filled in our hearts and if we distance ourselves away from the Lord, hardships in life come.
2) The Bible says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” (Prov. 4:23) To guard our hearts well, we must make Jesus as the center of our life and live with Jesus by listening to His word and keeping it.

2. Wake the Lord up by prayer
1) When we face storms in life, we must remember that Jesus is with us. We must repent of our sin where we have lived our life self-centeredly and wake up Jesus through earnest prayer.
2) God has given us the power to pray. If we pray by earnestly crying out when we face hardships in life, the Lord will work and calm the storms in life.

3. Stand firm on the Word
1) If God speaks, things come to pass even if the sky collapses and the ground sinks. When storms come in our life, we must not rely on our senses or circumstances, but rely on the word of God.
2) Those who believe in Jesus must live by eating the word of God. If we serve God by firmly standing on the word of God, He will grant miracles even in life like the desert.

As we live our lives, we are not alone. Even though God is invisible, He is with us through His word. Relying on the word is to rely on God. If we are with the word, God is with us. We must always stand firm on the word of God.