If You Pray, You Will See the Kingdom of Heaven
(Mt. 11:28~30)

All people living in this world face big and small problems in life. There are those whose lives improve by solving their problems well and have stronger faith. Then, there are those whose lives collapse by being oppressed by their problems and lose faith. Therefore, when we encounter problems, “what kind of attitudes we have and how we solve problems” determine our future.

1. Look up to the sky
1) If we look to our circumstances when we face difficulties in life, we will be in despair and fear.
2) God wants us to not look at our circumstances, but look to Him by lifting up our eyes. If we believe in God and rely on Him, we are able to solve problems with wisdom and power of God.

2. Pray to God
1) God made a path in the middle of the sea for His people. God prepares a way out for us. Thus, we must not be discouraged or fall in despair.
2) The solution to every problem is in God. Therefore, when we encounter problems, we must pray to our almighty God. God opens a prepared path for those who pray.

3. I will give you rest
1) Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28) When we commit our problems with pray, we can enjoy true rest.
2) Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mt. 11:29-30) When we learn from the Lord and follow His guidance, we can gain rest.

A path is not seen to people when they face problems. Who would have thought that the Red Sea will divide? Who would have thought that water will come out of the rock and manna will come from the sky when there were no more water and food in the desert? People do not know the ways to solve problems, but God is preparing a path for us. Therefore, when we encounter hardships, we must pray. If we look to God and pray, He will open a path before us.