Faith and Wait
(Rom. 4:17~22)

Things that God has promised certainly come to pass. God determines the times and ways for the promises to be fulfilled. Therefore, we must wait with faith until God’s promises are accomplished. What do we need to do to not be discouraged and wait in faith to the end?

1. Look up to stars and pray
1) In order for us to live by faith, we must look to how God’s word is fulfilled.
2) When God was giving the land and descendants to Abraham, He told him to look north, south, east and west and to look at the stars in the sky. We must also look to how God’s promises are fulfilled.

2. Trust God’s omnipotence
1) Abraham believed in God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.
2) We must have absolute faith towards the word of God and His power. Jesus said, “If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes.” (Mk. 9:23) No matter what kind of situations we face, we must be determined to believe.

3. Confess with the words of mouth
1) God created the heavens and the earth and all things with His word. With the word, Jesus drove out demons, made the cripple to get up, calmed the storms and brought the dead to life.
2) If you are thinking positively and have dreams and faith by relying on the word of God and the cross of Jesus, you must declare that faith with your words of mouth. Then, the Holy Spirit will work.

4. Wait for God’s response
1) When it comes to God’s promises, there are the ones that come to pass immediately, and there are the ones where you need to wait for a long time.
2) If we move forward with prayer while we wait for God’s answers, faith grows in our hearts. In God’s timing, He will work according to that faith.

Until farmers bear fruit after sowing seeds, they go through troubles and need to wait. It is the same with our life of faith. Faith and patience are required until our prayers are answered. Therefore, even if our prayers are not answered immediately, we shouldn’t be discouraged or fall in despair. If we have a dream that God’s promise is fulfilled, believe in it and confess this with our mouths, God will bring it to pass at His designated time.