The Way of the Heavens and the Way of the Earth, the Way of Life and the Way of Death
(Isa. 55:6~9)

1. The way of death and the way of life
1) God created man in His image and likeness. In addition, He made man to govern all living things that He has created. Likewise, human beings were created great. However, they fell as a miserable life by falling for the temptation of the devil.
2) Adam and Eve abandoned the way of life that serves God and chose the way of death. In turn, every life since Adam is walking the way of death. However, Jesus came and became the way of life for us by having His body torn and shedding His blood on the cross. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Jn. 14:6) Only Jesus is the way of life that goes to God.

2. God who made Israel cross the Red Sea
1) As we believe in Jesus while living in this world, God becomes our way. If we obey the word and pray, God makes ways in places where there are no ways.
2) When the Israelites faced a big crisis, God made a way in the sea. By following the way that God in heaven was showing, they safely crossed the Red Sea.

3. God who gives us miracles
1) The solution to every problem is in God. Thus, when we face problems, we must pray. If we pray, God will let us know the answers to our problems and grant miracles.
2) God always gives us good things. Those with faith expect God’s work and pray by going before God. That’s when they experience the miracles of God.

When you encounter big and small hardships in life, don’t be discouraged because there are no ways. Even if there are no ways on this land, the way of heaven will open if you lift up your eyes and look to God. God who we believe in and serve is omnipotent. He makes ways and rivers in deserts. Therefore, we must not fall in despair. If we go before God and pray, He will personally open a way.