Where Satan Exists
(Eph. 2:1~5)

If we trace the things that are behind various problems occurring in every corner of the world today, we discover that there are the works of the devil. Even though the devil is invisible, he works in the visible world as the power behind all things.

1. Drive out the devil by prayer
1) The devil is spiritually confusing people to the path of destruction through many heresies. In addition, he makes people to not listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ through humanistic ideas.
2) The devil brings various diseases to the bodies and hearts of human beings. Also, he brings anger, hatred, resentment and despair in our hearts. Therefore, we must stand against the devil with prayer. In addition, when it comes to the fight against the devil, we must not give up in the middle of it and stand against him to the end.

2. Arm yourself with the fourth dimensional spirituality
1) To win in the fight against the devil, we must be armed with the fourth dimensional spirituality. If we think, dream, believe and make declarations with our spoken words based on the word of God, things come to pass according to the word.
2) The cross of Jesus Christ is the greatest battlefield in the history of humanity. Jesus has given us eternal victory through resurrection. We must believe that we become one with the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.

3. Fight alongside the Holy Spirit
1) We don’t fight against people that are visible, but fight against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Thus, when we wage spiritual warfare, we must not fight with our strength, but fight alongside the Holy Spirit.
2) If the third dimension governs things, the things of the third dimension take place. If the fourth dimension governs things, the work of God takes place. The Holy Spirit is the leader of the fourth dimension. If we are governed by the Holy Spirit, the devil will leave from our life, and we will live a life where we may enjoy good health and that all may go well with us, even as our souls are getting along well.

We can stand against the devil with the Holy Spirit through our thoughts, dreams, faith and spoken words. Think through the word of God, have hopeful dreams, believe in God who loves us and speak words that bring changes and creation. Then, amazing changes will come in our life.