Hope Comes from the Heavens
(2 Ki. 7:3~8)

Today, we all are going through a difficult period. No matter how hopeless our circumstances are, we can have hope if we look to the cross of Jesus. If we look to the cross, have hope and move forward by praying with faith, God will grant miracles in our life.

1. Hope comes from the heavens
1) There is no hope on this land. If we look at the heavens, we can have hope. Even if we face great sufferings, God will open a path to live if we look to Him and pray.
2) When the Israelites were in a situation of absolute despair, God gave the word of hope through Elisha. If God is with us, we can conquer all kinds of despair.

2. Hold hope and move forward
1) The word of God was accomplished. Those who first enjoyed the miracle of God were the ones with leprosy that didn’t give up in a hopeless situation and chose hope.
2) God is with those who move forward by holding hope, and He grants them miracles. When we march towards hope like the four men with leprosy, God works.

3. Jesus giving hope
1) We can have hope because of the cross of Jesus. If we look to the cross of Jesus Christ and rely on it no matter what kind of hardships we face, we can dream of hope.
2) When God gives the word of hope, it is important to accept it with faith. We must believe in the word of God and pray so that God will be with us and miracles will come in our life.

Hope is not in circumstances or in man’s help. Hope comes from God. Therefore, hold onto hope and pray. In the same way God has given the word of hope when Elisha prayed for the country, God gives the word of hope even today to those who pray.