Jesus and the Robbers
(Mt. 27:38~44)

Today, the entire world is in the midst of great difficulties due to COVID-19. It is facing a severe crisis where businesses have collapsed overnight and many people have lost their jobs, not to mention having discomfort in everyday life. At a time like this, we must get rid of a life of materialism and look to an era where we will live eternally. We must not neglect salvation that we have received, and we must only believe in God and serve Him.

1. Judgment after death
1) When Jesus was on the cross, two robbers were crucified with Him, one on His right and one on His left. They lived a wicked life and were nearing death by being sentenced to death.
2) The two robbers who were crucified next to Jesus show the reality of all human beings that were born as the descendants of Adam. Every human being will face the moment of death, and they must stand before God’s judgment.

2. Salvation by faith
1) Jesus didn’t save Himself in the midst of people’s mockery and extreme pain. He faced excruciating pain and died on the cross to save us from our sins.
2) Salvation is received not with man’s deeds, but by believing in Jesus. Because Jesus has paid for the cost of our sins, people can receive salvation if they believe in Jesus.

3. Jesus who is with us
1) Jesus not only takes away our sins and saves us, but He is always with us. We can always go before the Lord and ask for His help.
2) If we look to the cross of Jesus, we receive forgiveness, righteousness, holiness, the fullness of the Holy Spirit, healing, health, the blessings of Abraham, prosperity, resurrection, eternal life and heaven.

There is an end to life. All people will stand before God’s judgment when their life on this land ends. Therefore, there is nothing more important than believing in Jesus Christ as we live our lives on the land. We who received salvation by believing in Jesus must live by serving God only.