Stand firm
(Ex 14:13-14)

Our country has been shaken by the recent turbulence of economic recession, public welfare, and social security. Christians, however, should not be shaken during this time. When the Israelites left Egypt after 430 years of slavery, they were faced with a desperate situation, in which they were blocked by the Red Sea with Pharaoh's army chasing after them from behind. What should we do in a desperate situation like this?

1. Do not be afraid. (Ex 14:10)
Though having been stricken by ten disasters, Pharaoh, the Egyptian king, did not give up on the Israelites and chased after them with his army. Trials come even to those of us who have been saved and become the children of God because the devil continues to attack us. However, the devil, the adversary, was completely defeated on the Cross 2,000 years ago and has been destined to be thrown into the eternal fire in hell (Mt 25:41). Therefore, unlike the Israelites who grumbled against God before Pharaoh's army (Ex 14:11-12), unlike the disciples who were terrified by the storm and rebuked by Jesus (Mk 4:39-40), we must stay spiritually alert to resist the devil (1Pe 5:8). We must guard our mind against negative thoughts, worry, anxiety, and fear. We must always be bold in faith in the Lord who never leaves us alone, always keeping us company and being our guide (Is 41:10).
2. See the deliverance of the Lord (Ex 14:13)
There was nothing the Israelites could do between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army. They needed only to be still and watch the Lord work on their behalf (Ex 14:14). At times we face difficulties that seem beyond our ability to handle. Then we must stand firm and cry out to the Lord for help. We must not be discouraged or frustrated but look to God who is with us (Ps 42:5). We must put complete trust and faith in God, depending on him alone with unceasing thanksgiving and praise. Then God will fight for us (Dt 3:22).

3. Things that God has done (Ex 14:15)
God spoke through Moses to the Israelites who were at a loss for what to do and commanded them to move on (Ex 14:16). When the Israelites obeyed the words, the Red Sea was divided before them (Ex 14:21). God speaks to us even today, "Do not be discouraged. Never lose heart, fall back, or give up. Rise up and move on." March forward in faith. Just as the prison doors flew open for Paul and Silas when they prayed and sang hymns to God (Ac 16:25-26), if we continue to praise God, we will experience miracles, which divide the sea of our despair, troubles, and trials (Mk 9:23). By thorough repentance of our wrongdoings, pride, obstinacy, and greed, we must wholeheartedly turn to the Lord, for the righteous will prevail and the wicked will be destroyed (Mt 25:46). The day will surely come when we praise God for His salvation with our lips.
Are you in trials? Look to the salvation of God. Fix your eyes on the Cross of Jesus and move on with faith. Then the victory will be ours.