
Overflowing Thanksgiving
Colossians 2:6-7, NIV

?? So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.??

Thanksgiving is like a flower of faith. Its beauty and fragrance move people and make the environment beautiful. Our faith and lives are beautifully changed with thanksgiving. Thanksgiving turns desperate situations into hope, wounds of the past into positivity today and into dreams for tomorrow. Thankfulness is faith, hope, and the fulfillment of love.

1. Serving Jesus Christ as Lord (Col 2:6).

We should be thankful because we have received Jesus Christ as Lord. Everyone in the world worships something, such as various idols, family, wealth, or fame. A self-centered person worships only himself. These are all idols and gods. But these man-made gods do not make us happy nor solve our problems in life nor help us overcome anxiety. Only Jesus?봳he way and the truth and the life?봪eads us to the Father (Jn 14:6), and solves every problem. Therefore, we should put Jesus Christ first in our lives, acknowledge Him as our Lord who controls life, death, adversity and blessing, and live a life of thanksgiving. We should remember the grace of salvation, and come to the Lord in prayer with thanksgiving when we are in despair because of problems and difficulties (Php 4:6-7).혻혻혻혻혻

2. A life of living in the Lord (Col 2: 6-7).

Thanksgiving is living in Jesus Christ. Apart from Him, we can do nothing (Jn 15:5). Therefore, we should be rooted in Jesus Christ, strengthened in the faith (Col 2: 7), and always live a life of thanksgiving. We should fill ourselves with love for the Cross, for the Lord, and for our neighbors. We should stand firm on the Word, live according to the teachings of the Word, and seek His will in the light of His Word. Living with thankfulness, love, and the Lord?셲 Word means living in the Lord.

3. A life of overflowing thanksgiving (Col 2:7).

Apostle Paul recommends that we be ?쐓trengthened in the faith ... and overflowing with thankfulness.??Since Jesus Christ has saved us, our lives should be filled with thanksgiving, since this is the way we express our faith. In order to live a life overflowing with thanksgiving, we should live a life of prayer. When we live a life of prayer, our lives will overflow with thanksgiving, and a prayer of thanksgiving brings about God?셲 answers to prayer and miracles (Col 4:2). The Lord helps us to be thankful. Therefore, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, give thanks to God (Eph 5:20). When we give thanks to God, we honor Him (Ps 50:23), and in all things God works for the good of those who love Him (Ro 8:28).

Thanksgiving is the fruit of absolute, positive faith. Through thanksgiving, let us express our living faith to the Lord and honor Him. Give thanks to God always, and He will answer your prayer, deliver you from trouble, and give you His blessings.