
Jesus Who Has Come to Us
Isaiah 11:1-5, NIV
?? A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. 2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him??the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD?? and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; 4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. 5 Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.??
The greatest miracle in human history is that Jesus?봆od himself?봠ame to this earth in the flesh to save human beings who were wandering in sin and despair. Prophet Isaiah described Jesus our Savior in detail in the book of Isaiah in 700 BC.

1. Jesus on whom the Spirit of God rested (Isa 11:1-2).
Jesus came to this earth from the genealogy of King David whose father was Jesse. The Spirit of God rested on Jesus who came as Messiah (Isa 61:1-2). Through Jesus on whom the Spirit of God rests, we can recognize God (Jn 14:9), and enjoy the grace and everything that God gives to us (Jn 10:10). Jesus was filled with wisdom, understanding, counsel, talent, knowledge, and the Spirit that worships the Lord. When we have this Jesus as our Lord in our lives, the Holy Spirit comes and controls our lives, and helps us to know the will of the Lord with wisdom and understanding. The Holy Spirit helps us to do the work of God with counsel and talent and to serve God with knowledge and the Spirit that worships the Lord. When we are always filled with the Holy Spirit, we can be led by the Lord (Jn 14:26), and live a life that testifies of Jesus (Jn 15:26; Ac 1:8).

2. Jesus who delighted in the fear of God (Isa 11:3).
?쏦e will delight in the fear of the Lord??is derived from ?쐗orshipping God by breathing through the nostrils.??When we worship God, our hearts should be filled with joy as we are pleased while tasting good fragrance. Our life should overflow with thanksgiving because we are so joyful in serving the Lord (Ps 100:4). In order for this to happen, we have to be filled with the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit comes on us, our hearts are filled with the true joy that cannot be compared with that of the world (Hab 3:18). Believers of the full gospel should be filled with the Holy Spirit, praise the Lord, and change households, churches, Korea, and the world. Considering that worshipping God is the most valuable in our life, we must live for His glory (Ps 32:11). Then the Lord will perform miracles in our lives.

3. Jesus who reigns with righteousness and justice (Isa 11:3b-5).
Since God is just, He judges people with righteousness, not according to what is seen but according to what is in their hearts (1Sa 16:17). Jesus, the Son of God, came as God of justice, defeated all darkness, and gave true freedom to us who had lived as slaves to sin and despair. When we depend on what Jesus has done, purify our hearts with His blood, and live an honest life, He will bless our lives (Mt 6:33). Therefore, always give thanks and praise to Jesus for His blood on the Cross. May you live a victorious life in the Lord by your righteousness before God, depending on Jesus??blood.

In Jesus, there is the grace of the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the abundant wisdom of God, the joy of the fear of God, and the grace of justice. Therefore, come near to Jesus, and then you will have tremendous blessings in your life.