
Jesus Who Has Come to Us (II)

Isaiah 9:6-7, NIV
?? For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty
will accomplish this.??

Our God whom we serve and believe in is a good God who is not quick to punish us for our sins and iniquities but is patient with us for a long time. When the Israelites were punished and held captive because of their disobedience, idolatry, and debauchery, God did not leave them to suffer but promised to send the Messiah who would save them from despair. The following is Isaiah?셲 introduction to the Messiah.

1. He is Wonderful.
"A child who was born to us" refers to Jesus who has come to earth in the flesh. As His name ?쏻onderful??suggests, Jesus is a perfect God and a perfect human being who possesses wondrous power. While on earth, He taught and preached the good news about the heavenly kingdom and healed every disease and sickness (Mt 4:23-24). He set all people free who came to Him with their problems. Jesus is wonderful to us. Under all circumstances, give priority to Jesus over anything else, and He will empower us and exalt us.혻

2. He is Counselor.
A counselor is a person who teaches and gives advice. Jesus the Counselor who is full of wisdom has led people to truth. Even today, Jesus guides us into all truth through the Spirit of truth (Jn 16:13). He comforts those who are in despair and becomes a friend and counselor to the lonely. When you believe in Jesus, your life will be changed. A persecutor will be changed into a martyr, an abandoned woman into a faithful worker, and a corrupt person into a servant of the Lord. Our character will be changed to become an apostle of love, and we will devote our body and possessions to serve the Lord.

3. He is the Mighty God.
Jesus is the Mighty God who possesses the power to bring us ultimate victory in the warfare of history (Jn 16:33). Nothing is impossible with the Mighty God (Php 4:13). Miraculous things will happen when we put complete trust in God (Ps 18:1).

4. He is the Everlasting Father.
The name ?쏤ather??has the meaning of ?쏦e who gives life.??Jesus who is the same yesterday, today, and forever gives us life just like a father (2Co 5:17). Through the redemption of the Cross, we became God?셲 children who received eternal life (Jn 3:16). Do not forget this grace. Keep the life of Jesus firmly secured in your heart, and live in joy and thanksgiving.

5. He is the Prince of Peace.
Jesus came as the Prince of Peace to a world which is filled with hatred, conflict, and pain. When we were God's enemies, Jesus came to reconcile us to God (Ro 5:10). Jesus will return. When He returns, fighting, conflict, and hatred will all disappear, and a new heaven and a new earth will be full of peace.

As we celebrate Christmas, let us praise, worship, and proclaim Jesus who is called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace.