See, I Am Doing a New Thing!
Isaiah 43:18-21, NIV
“18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. 20 The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the desert and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, 21 the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.”

A New Year has come as a gift from the Lord. We will have to conquer the new days with faith. Today's Scripture contains words of blessing proclaimed by the prophet Isaiah to the Israelites who were living in captivity and to all of us who are facing despair.

1. Forget the former things (Isa 43:18).
God told the Israelites to forget the former things. The former things included both bad and good things. We must forget various kinds of hurts and pains from the failure we’ve had before (2Co 5:17). Also, we must be free from the good memories of our past. The Israelites stayed in the desert after their exodus from Egypt. When their lives in the desert became difficult, they remembered the times they had in Egypt and complained (Nu 11:5-6). God told them not to look back on their past but to look to Him and expect the wonderful things that He planned to perform. God delivered the Israelites from Babylon just as He said. Furthermore, God fulfilled the great work of salvation by sending Jesus to this earth. Even now, God still provides salvation for us, conquers the oppressive power of Satan, and has prepared something good for us. Therefore, we should expect the creative work of God and live a life with hope for the future (Php 3:13).

2. See, I am doing a new thing (Isa 43:19).
A new thing signifies what we have never experienced before but tremendous things that God will do. The Israelites had no hope living in captivity. It seemed as though God had forsaken them. However, God wanted the Israelites to know that their judgment was not the end. Are you in despair? Your present situation is not the end. A new life and a new relationship with God can be started again. The Lord will completely restore a life of failure (Jas 1:17). God is preparing an amazing thing (Ps 81:10). Through you, the children of God, our Lord will show the grace of the Holy Spirit in your household, business, and in everything, and He will guide you to green pastures and quiet waters.

3. Give praise and thanks to God (Isa 43:21).
God performs wonderful things in order that we may praise Him. Our Lord is pleased with the praise that believers offer to Him, and He is waiting for it (Isa 43:7). God is glorified through praise (Isa 33:1). When we praise God, Satan leaves and the power of God comes upon us. Forgiveness, healing, solutions to problems, prayer, and devotion takes place when the strong power of the Holy Spirit is upon us. We should give thanks and praise to God for His help (Ex 15:1). We should praise the Lord whether we are experiencing good times or bad times.

The New Year has come. Put your past behind you, and look forward to the grace that the Lord will give you in the New Year. I pray that you will rejoice in God and bring glory to Him forever. I pray that you may experience a new thing that the Lord will do for our church and for each of you, so that His glory may be revealed in the New Year.