
Do Not Fear

Isaiah 41:10, NIV

10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Above all else, we need to guard our heart, for we will lose everything if our heart falls apart (Pr 4:23). When the Israelites were held captive in Babylon, they lost their pride as a chosen people along with their will to live. They lost all hope. Today?셲 Scripture was God?셲 message to the Israelites.

1. Do not fear (Isa 41:10a).

Everyone faces fear. However, God says, ?쏡o not fear (Isa 41:14; 43:1).??After Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, fear entered their heart (Ge 3:10). Since then, fear resides in everyone?셲 heart. We must fight fear of the heart. God is always with us. God saves us from great trouble and from the devil?셲 snare. He also saves us from sickness. In all kinds of disasters we may come across, God is with us and becomes our shield (Ps 91:5-7). God also gives us the power to overcome adversity, and prepares our heart with love and self-control. Fear comes from the devil. Therefore, when fear comes, look at the Lord, stand firm with faith in God, the God of Immanuel, and drive out the devil in the name of Jesus.

2. Do not be dismayed (Isa 41:10b).

Being dismayed means ?쐀eing startled with your eyes wide open in a desperate circumstance.??Yahweh, the Almighty God, is our father. In God, we do not lack anything. Therefore, have trust in God and move forward. Do not fear; do not be dismayed (Ps 23:1).혻혻혻

3. I will strengthen you (Isa 41:10c).

God will strengthen us spiritually, mentally, and physically. In Jesus Christ, we can be strong in the Lord and must be bold to resist the forces of the enemy, the devil (2Co 4:7-10). Because of the life of Jesus Christ, we can have victory despite all situations, even when we are hard pressed on every side, troubled, persecuted, or struck down (Jos 1:5).

4. I will help you (Isa 41:10d).

God is our good father who knows everything we need and fills our every need abundantly. Therefore, we should not worry about anything, but completely depend upon Jesus Christ (Mt 6:31-32).

5. I will uphold you (Isa 41:10e).

God?셲 righteous hand means ?쐔he revelation of His power based on His righteousness and justice in order to save His people from the oppression of their enemies and from suffering.??God?셲 people must know, although they are weak, that God?셲 righteous right hand is upon them to uphold them.

God told us not to fear or be dismayed. He stretches out His helping hand to us. He fills us with His power to uphold us. Therefore, when fear attacks us, let us have faith and peace in God, and boldly march forward.