
O Sun, Stand Still
Joshua 10:12-14, NIV
12 On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: "O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon."
13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies,
혻혻혻혻혻혻as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.
14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a man. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!

The Christian faith is a faith of absolute positivity and absolute hope. There is no despair in Jesus Christ. At the same time, the life of a Christian is a life of miracles. The fact that we are saved by faith in Jesus makes every moment a miracle when we live as God's children.

1. The attack of the allied armies.
When Joshua destroyed Jericho and Ai and began to conquer Canaan, the Gibeonites who lived there came to Joshua and made a treaty of peace with Israel. Adoni-Zedek, king of Jerusalem, was alarmed by this report, because Gibeon was an important city (Jos 10:2), and he formed a military alliance with the kings of the Amorites to fight against Israel (Jos 10:3-5). They thought that they would defeat Israel with a large number of armies. But victory in war does not depend on military number. It depends on God's presence. Sometimes the enemy, the devil, attacks us through problems such as physical pain, mental wounds, family problems, business difficulties, and distrust in human relationships. However, do not be afraid. Do not look at the person or your circumstances. Look at God who is greater than a problem. The Lord will help us.

2. God who helps.
As soon as Gibeon asked Joshua for help, Joshua immediately went up to the city with his armies. The Israelite armies marched all night, and all of a sudden they were confronted by the allied Canaanites (Jos 10:9). If we earnestly ask for God?셲 help, He is willing to help us. When he heard that God had given the enemies into his hand, Joshua fought and was confident of victory. God allowed the allied Canaanites to be defeated in front of Israel (Jos 10:10). He hurled large hailstones down upon them, and the enemies were killed by the hailstones. Depend on God completely, and then you will win in any situation.

3. Show your faith.
Joshua had almost won the victory during the battle against the allied armies. But the sun had started to set. If the sun set and it became dark, things would be unfavorable for Israel. So Joshua prayed to God and commanded the sun and the moon, "O sun, stand still. O moon, stop" (Jos 10:12). He prayed with spiritual authority, and declared this in front of everyone. God responded to Joshua?셲 prayer (Jos 10:14), and the sun and the moon stood still and did not set until the allied armies were defeated. God performed an unprecedented miracle (Jos 10:13). The prayer of faith creates a miracle. Jesus rebuked His disciples who feared the storm for having little faith (Mt 8:26). Jesus rebuked a father for little faith who said to Him, "If you can, drive a demon out of my son" (Mk 9:23). Nothing is impossible in Jesus. Become a person of great faith, and a miracle will happen.

Are you sighing in despair about your circumstances? When the Lord is with you, a new way will open. Please move on in hope, dreaming of the amazing things that God wants to do. When we have faith that the God who stopped the sun is our God and move on in faith, a miracle will happen.