The Downhill Path of Life
(Luke 24:13-17, 30-32)

 After Jesus died on the Cross, two disciples became discouraged and went down from Jerusalem to a village called Emmaus. Their faith was also going downhill.

1. Jesus walks along with us (Luke 24:15)
 Jesus came to two disciples who were discouraged and were going down to Emmaus. He walked along and had conversation with them. However, with their spiritual eyes dimmed, the disciples failed to recognize Jesus. The disciples were discouraged when Jesus died, because they had not trusted Jesus as their Savior but only considered him to be a prophet. Because of their unbelief and wrong expectations of Jesus, the disciples failed to remember Jesus' word that He said He would rise from the dead on the third day. Obviously they failed to recognize Jesus as well. In the same way, today if we do not understand correctly who Jesus is, we cannot experience Jesus who comes to visit us in trouble and shed tears, sharing our pains with us. We will always remain in trouble and despair without faith in the resurrection of Jesus. We will continue to live in pain and loneliness without the knowledge of the Lord who walks along with us.

2. Jesus teaches the Word (Luke 24:25-26)
 Jesus explained the Word to the disciples whose eyes were so dim that they failed to recognize Jesus. Using the words of Moses and prophets, Jesus carefully taught them about who the Christ was, why He came, and what He achieved through His suffering on the Cross and His resurrection. The Word caused the disciple's doubt and unbelief to disappear. Even at present, the Holy Spirit works and teaches us through the Word of God. The lack of knowledge of the Scripture is what keeps many Christians from overcoming their grief and weakness. The Bible contains the way to salvation, Jesus' character, God's love for us, and the power that is provided for us. The Scripture gives us faith in Jesus Christ (John 20:31), hope, comfort, courage, and healing. The Word enables believers and the Church to remain as they should be.

3. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:30-31)
 After Jesus explained the Word to the disciples, he broke the bread and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they finally recognized Jesus. Their hearts began to burn when they realized the Word. To meet the resurrected Jesus, we must be eager for the Word of God. If we want to restore the joy and passion of a Christian in our life of faith, we must keep the Word close at hand. The Word is the passage through which the Holy Spirit brings us God’s voice, because the Holy Spirit works within the Word and with the Word (Act 10:44). I pray that by listening to the Word at this time, all of you may hear the voice of the Lord and restore your calling, worship, fullness of the Holy Spirit, love for neighbors, serving, missions, and visions.

 At times we experience our life going downhill. However, the Lord comes to us, speaks to us with the Word, and fills us with the Holy Spirit so that we may overcome all our difficulties. It is His grace that we are able to go back to our spiritual Jerusalem in the Lord. I pray that this blessing of the Lord will come abundantly upon all of you here today.