癤? Those Who Possess the Kingdom of Heaven
Matthew 18:1-5, NIV

Everyone wants to have a powerful position. Two thousand years ago, the disciples of Jesus Christ were also interested in having powerful positions. However, as Christians, we need to focus on ?쐆ow much recognition we receive from the Lord?앪€?rather than on the powerful positions we can obtain. To get recognition from Jesus Christ, we need to have childlike faith.

1. Those who possess humble faith (Mt 18:4).
It is human nature to want powerful positions. The first sin of humankind started with the arrogance to become like God. A snake approached Eve and seduced her to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, saying that it would make her become like God. Eve took the fruit and the judgment of God was brought upon her. Our duty is to live a life that reveals God?셲 glory (Isa 43:7). Ever since Adam and Eve committed sin due to their arrogance, sin entered into human history. Because they fell into sin, human beings ceased to serve God, made and worshiped idols for themselves, and engaged in all kinds of evil. Arrogance is the root of sin, which God hates the most (Pr 18:21). We have to break our egos and humble ourselves before God at all times. We must take after Jesus who set the best example of humility, and live a humble life that exalts God alone.

2. Those who possess pure faith (Mt 5:8).
Children have pure hearts for their hearts are not yet stained. As they grow up, however, their pure hearts become hardened. The same is true with faith. Unlike the moment we first received Jesus as our Savior and felt deeply grateful, our gratefulness begins to fade away as time goes by. Eventually, we end up having a faith of formality. Pure hearts make us new and joyous, whereas hardened hearts bring us difficulties. Therefore, we need to make an effort every day to make ourselves pure. We need to repent of our sin before the Lord, so that our hearts can be changed into sincere ones (Mt 5:8). We always need to experience anew the grace of the Cross of Jesus Christ. Those who make a difference in the world and have a good influence on people are those who are pure, honest, and sincere.
3. Those who possess true love (Mt 19:13-14).
Jesus Christ has always loved children. He showed an interest in them and laid His hand on them when He prayed for them. Children are in need of love and attention. If a child does not receive love and attention, he becomes neglected, incapable of loving others, and is likely to cause trouble (1 Jn 4:7-8). God is a God of love. He loved us so much that He gave His only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross to save us (1 Jn 4:10-11). We are now indebted to God?셲 great love. Therefore, it is only right that we love God and love our neighbors.

Those who possess the kingdom of heaven have pure hearts like a little child and humble themselves. They also share the love they receive from God with others and earn recognition from God. I pray that all of you will earn recognition from God, glorify Him, and receive the blessings that He has prepared for you.