The Cross of the Lord

1 Corinthians 1:18; 2:2, NIV

1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.

The secret to a victorious life of faith throughout our lifetime is to stand on the faith of the Cross. We may stumble whenever we are faced with problems if our foundation of faith is not correctly built. Our faith must not be based on experience, habit, formality, a church system, or position, but only on the Cross of Jesus Christ. The Cross is the culmination of the life of Christ. When our faith is strongly built on the foundation of the Cross, we can live a victorious, fruitful life of faith without wavering.

1. The Cross of salvation.

The messages of the Early Church were all about Jesus Christ, (1Co 1:18), especially His atonement for our sins and His crucifixion. However, the messages about Jesus and the Cross are waning nowadays. Without the Cross, there would be no life, power, or believers in the church. Apostle Peter preached in his first sermon that Jesus carried all our sins on the Cross (Ac 2:36; 1Pe 2:24.) From the beginning, he only preached about the Cross of salvation. Anyone who looks at the Cross of Jesus with faith will be saved, freed from sin, and will become a child of God. May you experience the grace of the Cross every day. I hope you will live in confidence in salvation with your eyes fixed upon the Lord.

2. The Cross of power.

The Cross of Jesus is the power of God (1Co 1:18, 23-24). The Cross of Jesus has great power to overcome sin, despair, poverty, and disease. The blood that Jesus Christ shed on the Cross enables us to overcome sin and despair, and sets us free from the bondage of evil spirits and disease (Rev 12:11). Believers are not to helplessly stumble and fall in the world, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit to gain victory in the world through the power of the Cross. We must resist and defeat the devil. Believe that Christ has defeated rulers and authorities of the world and made them powerless on the Cross (Col 2:15), and prove the victory of the Cross to be true in your daily life.

3. The Cross of Jesus, the only thing we can boast about.

Jesus Christ is the only one about whom we can boast. Therefore, the Cross of Christ should be manifested through the lives of believers all the time (Gal 6:14). Jesus Christ should be counted most valuable in the lives of believers every day. Believers should always repent of their sins before the Lord and boast about the Cross as the children of the Lord. The only power in the life of Christians is the Cross of Jesus. That is why we should have faith to bear witness to Jesus (Ac 1:8). Never lag behind, but advance with faith, and eagerly testify about the Gospel of Christ. Hold onto the Cross through prayer, words, praise, and thanksgiving, and bear witness to Jesus. Be the children of God who testify about the Cross of Jesus, even to the point of your death.

Let us love Jesus fervently. Let us boast about the Cross of Jesus. I pray that Yoido Full Gospel Church will become a furnace of the love of God to glorify Jesus.