The Lamb of God

Exodus 12:21-25; John 1:29, NIV

The Passover is the day when the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt slaughtered lambs without defect, put their blood on the tops and on both sides of the doorframes of the houses, and were saved from the death of the firstborn. The death of the lamb signifies the death of Jesus on the Cross. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who bore our sins and died in our stead.

1. The Lamb without defect (Ex 12:5).

Lambs without defect saved the Israelites from the death of their firstborn. The Lamb without defect signifies the sinless Jesus Christ (1Pe 1:18-19). In order for human beings to be saved from God's judgment on their sins, a sinless, blameless person had to die in their stead. All human beings are born in sin, but Jesus was born without sin (Heb 4:15; Php 2:6-7). While the lamb of the Passover was prepared to save the Israelites, Jesus was the Lamb of God without defect that was prepared to save all human beings.

2. Slaughter of the Lamb (Ex 12:6-7, 23).

Like the lamb of the Passover, Jesus bore all our sins and died on the Cross (1Co 5:7). Just as the angel of death saw the blood of the lamb and passed over it, the blood of Jesus leads to our salvation (Heb 9:22). The blood of Jesus can wash away all our sins no matter how wicked they may be (Eph 1:7) Since Jesus paid the penalty for our sins with His blood on the Cross, we have become legally righteous in Him (Ro 5:9). Therefore, whoever accepts Jesus as Savior and believes in Him is saved by His blood and is given eternal life.

3. The eternal sacrifice (Heb 10:14; Ex 12:24-27).

Jesus gave one perfect sacrifice through His death on the Cross to redeem all human beings from sin and accomplished salvation (Heb 10:14). Just as the Israelites commemorate the Passover, their day of salvation, to keep remembering the God of salvation (Ex 12:24), we should always remember the great work of salvation that God has done for us. We have to realize the grace of the Cross, live a life worthy of this grace, preach the Gospel, and teach our children about the salvation of God and the grace of His guidance until now.

When you face an obstacle like a mountain that seems insurmountable, remember the great work that God has done for you, believe that God is with you, and cast all your anxiety on the Lord. May you praise God for His wonderful work for you every day, and may you live a life of victory.